My prayer for Ukraine
I am a Christian and an Episcopalian, and my faith motivates me to be a social activist. I have a deep faith in God, a belief in the moral teachings of Jesus Christ, and a strong sense of progressive values. I know that Jesus would want us to be democratic, inclusive, and justice-oriented. Because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I am motivated to stand up for the poor and oppressed, fight for social and economic justice, and protect the environment. Whenever I see poverty and inequality rising, sexism, racism, war, religious persecution, and environmental destruction happening in the world, I pray for the courage to be a social activist like Him.
The example of Jesus inspires me to be a social activist. He was always on the side of the oppressed and downtrodden. He welcomed outcasts and sinners. He spoke truth to power. Most importantly, He was prepared to sacrifice Himself in the service of the greater good. My Christian faith inspires me to work for justice and peace in the world. When the work is hard, I know that Jesus is with me, and He gives me the strength to keep going. I will continue to fight for a more just and loving world because that is what Jesus would want us to do.
My faith shapes my thoughts on the war in Ukraine. I believe that all humans are made in the image of God and thus deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Consequently, I oppose Russian aggression in Ukraine and support the Ukrainian people’s right to self-determination. I also believe that we are called to love our neighbor, which means that we should do everything in our power to help people who are suffering.
Jesus would want us to fight for justice and make the world a better place — this means no war. As Christians, we are responsible for addressing many issues, even if they are not easy to confront. I am inspired by Jesus Christ, who cared deeply about others. I aspire to be like Him, as He was a social activist.
Dear Almighty God, I am sincerely grateful to you for inspiring me to become a social activist; I am not worthy of your love and grace. I pray that you will grant me the courage and strength to continue working for justice and peace in the world. I am always praying for the courage to do the right thing. I would like to ask for your help right now so that I may be an example of your image and that I may always work for the common good. Dear Lord, I pray for the people of Ukraine. Give them strength in this most challenging time, and help them to find a path to peace and security. Protect them from harm, and grant them your blessing. As we pray for justice and compassion in the world, give us your wisdom and fortitude in this moment so that we may make the world a better place. Amen.